Fostering a Thriving Workplace

In the dynamic realm of modern business, the pivotal role of effective talent management cannot be emphasized enough. Engaging and retaining top talent is not merely a matter of goodwill; it directly impacts the bottom line, with highly engaged teams showing a 21% greater profitability. Today, we delve into two pivotal strategies that can help…

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Mastering the Modern Hiring Process: The Dual Pillars of Success

In today’s competitive job market, hiring has evolved into a comprehensive journey, spanning from the initial need for a new hire to their successful onboarding over a 90-day period. This process typically takes around six months and requires a significant investment of time and resources. To ensure that this investment pays off, it’s essential to…

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Revamping Your Recruitment Process

Recruiting top talent is the lifeblood of any organization. Yet, despite recognizing its critical importance, many companies find themselves grappling with an outdated and ineffective recruitment process. If you’re among those who frequently express frustration about talent acquisition, it might be time to consider some new strategies. Let’s delve deeper into two crucial aspects to…

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Elevating the Employee Experience

In the ever-changing realm of modern workplaces, the dynamics of employee engagement have undergone a significant transformation. Beyond mere administrative functions, professionals responsible for shaping the employee experience now play a pivotal role in organizational architecture. This recognition stems from the understanding that a positive employee experience is instrumental in driving organizational success. Studies reveal…

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Becoming an Employer of Choice

In the dynamic landscape of today’s workforce, the departure of the baby boomer generation has left a noticeable gap in the pool of potential candidates. To ensure sustained success, the key lies in transforming your organization into an employer of choice. Here, we’ll explore two essential tips to attract top-notch candidates by establishing your brand…

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Being Inclusive as a Small Business

To show different people from different backgrounds all getting a seat at the table

Diversity is a hot topic these days in business. But it’s not enough to be diverse, we must be inclusive. Everyone needs a seat at the table, and it starts with small business. Understanding Privilege Not everyone has the same starting line in life. Whether it’s being of the color of their skin, gender, orientation,…

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How to Hire Virtually and Successfully

By the end of 2021, we expect almost a third of the workforce to be working mostly from home. We have been seeing the shifts to digital for the last six months. We have also been seeing the internal struggles small businesses have been facing during the transition. Hiring virtually requires a different mindset, different…

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Transitioning Back to Reality

To show a person going back to work

With Michigan slowly reopening, it’s time to design your plan to transition to “back to work.” Things will not return to normal, maybe not ever. It’s a great opportunity to see what you can change for you, your employees, and your customers. Quarterly Plan Plan for disruptions for the next year. Set specific goals for…

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Branding and Hiring

If you asked a stranger about what they thought about your brand, what do you think they would say? Are they aware of your company? Do they see your vision? Branding is a huge part of how the community and competitors see your business. It is also imperative for attracting candidates. If your small business…

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