Why you NEED Interns

As some of you may know, I started my career at SRS as an intern. I will be the first one to advocate for interns in the office. Here are some of the reasons why you should too: Interns are the future. If a company wants to survive through the generations, you have to hire…

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Introverts vs Extroverts

There are more than two types of people in the workplace, but if we are going to overgeneralize: Let’s focus on the introverts vs the extroverts. Sometimes it’s hard to communicate with people who don’t communicate the same way. We all have social meters. Introverts like their meters to stay low and tend to get…

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What is so hard about Communication?

You’ve Heard it before: Communication is key. Communication is like the oil in a machine. Without it, the machine will never work, and if it gets mucked up the machine won’t work as well as you want. But why is something that we do every day sometimes so difficult? Well, here are some reasons why…

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