Recharge, Revitalize, Reignite: The Re-Onboarding Effect

Employee engagement and effectiveness are pivotal to the success of any business. As organizations grow and change, it’s crucial to keep employees connected to the company’s core values and mission. This is where re-onboarding comes into play. Re-onboarding isn’t just about refreshing knowledge; it’s about recharging, revitalizing, and reigniting the passion within your team. Here,…

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Mastering the Modern Hiring Process: The Dual Pillars of Success

In today’s competitive job market, hiring has evolved into a comprehensive journey, spanning from the initial need for a new hire to their successful onboarding over a 90-day period. This process typically takes around six months and requires a significant investment of time and resources. To ensure that this investment pays off, it’s essential to…

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Embracing AI: Navigating the AI Spectrum with a Human Touch

From Chat GPT, Copilot, and Gemini, to Alexa, Siri, and Bixby – AI companions have woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives. For some, the swift march of technological progress is a source of excitement, while for others, it casts a shadow of apprehension and unease. Both reactions are valid, each stemming from…

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Elevating the Employee Experience

In the ever-changing realm of modern workplaces, the dynamics of employee engagement have undergone a significant transformation. Beyond mere administrative functions, professionals responsible for shaping the employee experience now play a pivotal role in organizational architecture. This recognition stems from the understanding that a positive employee experience is instrumental in driving organizational success. Studies reveal…

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Investing in Your Future

As businesses face the uncertainties of 2024, it’s more important than ever to strategically plan for the future. A key aspect of this planning involves focusing on your sales and marketing efforts. Contrary to the instinct to cut back on these areas during uncertain times, these are precisely where your investments should be concentrated. To…

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Ah! The talent pool is shrinking!

Battling talent pool shrinkage If recruiters could tell you one thing, it would be that hiring is in a time of change, and you need to adjust. Like we’ve said before, the talent pool is shrinking every day. Approximately 72.8% of employers are struggling to find candidates with relevant experience or skills. That number is…

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What is so hard about Communication?

You’ve Heard it before: Communication is key. Communication is like the oil in a machine. Without it, the machine will never work, and if it gets mucked up the machine won’t work as well as you want. But why is something that we do every day sometimes so difficult? Well, here are some reasons why…

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Are You a Leader or Not?

Personality is different depending on who you are talking to. Your mom might call you driven, polite, and chivalrous. Your employees might feel a different way. What’s important is that your personality is a leader personality. As an employer, wouldn’t you want to be the best leader for your company? Good leaders attract good employees.…

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Let’s Talk: Personality

Personalities can make or break a work room. Now, if you’re a CEO or President, you might not even be present in the workroom on a daily basis. That doesn’t mean that it’s not important to test your employees. Results for personality testing can change from year to year, so why even bother spending time…

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