Embracing AI: Navigating the AI Spectrum with a Human Touch

From Chat GPT, Copilot, and Gemini, to Alexa, Siri, and Bixby – AI companions have woven themselves into the fabric of our daily lives. For some, the swift march of technological progress is a source of excitement, while for others, it casts a shadow of apprehension and unease. Both reactions are valid, each stemming from…

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Elevating the Employee Experience

In the ever-changing realm of modern workplaces, the dynamics of employee engagement have undergone a significant transformation. Beyond mere administrative functions, professionals responsible for shaping the employee experience now play a pivotal role in organizational architecture. This recognition stems from the understanding that a positive employee experience is instrumental in driving organizational success. Studies reveal…

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Investing in Your Future

As businesses face the uncertainties of 2024, it’s more important than ever to strategically plan for the future. A key aspect of this planning involves focusing on your sales and marketing efforts. Contrary to the instinct to cut back on these areas during uncertain times, these are precisely where your investments should be concentrated. To…

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Eyes on the Horizon

With 2023 quickly winding down, there’s no better time for businesses to start getting ahead of the game and preparing for the new year. To start 2024 off on the right foot, it’s critical to use these next couple of months to evaluate where you are as an organization. Once you’ve assessed where you are,…

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FIND, HIRE, KEEP: The Secret Truths

Find, hire, keep is our mantra here at SRS. But in a world that’s constantly changing, keeping up with the latest strategies is no easy feat for your average company. Finding, hiring, and keeping talent looks a lot differently now than it used to. As we evolve and change as a society, so do our…

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5 Things you should do BEFORE going to a Recruiter

For every question a recruiter answers, we ask two more. It’s our job to get things right on the front end before we start our search. Uncovering needs and deal-breakers can take a lot of time during the hiring process, so here are some tips on how to prepare yourself and your team before you…

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How to Interview in Today’s World

Interviews have changed drastically even over the last few years. Between technological advances and tougher screening norms, it’s important to know how to interview in today’s world. Technology At SRS we employ a few rounds of basic interviews, all of which involve a different team member or technology. We rely on phone screening and Skype…

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Let’s Review

Performance waxes and wanes throughout the year, it’s inevitable. As an executive, low performance is one of the worst things you can hear. But how on earth do you combat it? Sometimes it’s more complicated than a lazy manager or understaffing. Sometimes it’s something in the company itself. It can go back to company culture…

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