5 Things you should do BEFORE going to a Recruiter

For every question a recruiter answers, we ask two more. It’s our job to get things right on the front end before we start our search. Uncovering needs and deal-breakers can take a lot of time during the hiring process, so here are some tips on how to prepare yourself and your team before you hire a recruiter:

  1. Find the REAL position you are looking to fill.

This may sound easy, but we come across many employers who throw the wrong title on a job or are looking to hire one person for realistically 3 jobs. It’s important to hire for the job you are actually looking to fill. Hiring an IT person who handles the IT department but is also in charge of running the front desk isn’t realistic. It is also one of the easiest ways to lose a good candidate.

  1. Do your research.

Staffing companies are different from temp agencies which are different from recruiting firms. Recruiting companies are used for long term employment. Look for local companies that are experts in your niche. Trust us, they are out there! Don’t hire the first company you come across because there might be a company made just for you out there.

  1. Understand the market.

In 2019, hiring is slowing down and the number of people out there looking for employment is dwindling. By understanding the patterns of the market, you can put a realistic time frame and expense report together. Having a realistic budget and time frame ahead of time can cut down on the stress of a new hire and can open the lines of communication with a recruiter.

  1. Don’t expect grape ketchup.

Now let me explain: Grape ketchup doesn’t exist. Neither does the perfect person. Before contacting a recruiter with a long list of expectations, cut down on rule breakers. There are great candidates out there who may not be 100% on paper, but can more than make up for it with their fit, personality, and tenacity to learn a position. Sometimes you have to be happy with normal ketchup because really, that’s all you need.

  1. Keep calm

Easier said than done. Leave the work to the professionals. Trying to make a hire yourself or trying to cut down on costs by doing half of the process yourself will cause stress and gaps in the process itself. If you are looking to hire a recruiter, you are hiring a professional who is an expert in the field of hiring who can also dedicate concentrated time to making that hire. You already have a job, right? Hiring is a job in it of itself, so keep calm and let the professionals work their magic.


The recruiter’s goal is to find the best candidate for your company. It’s important for you to be in the know and excited about the process of filling out your team. Whether it’s for growth or replacement, recruiters are here to help, and if you follow any of the steps above, we can help you that much more.

If you have any questions about SRS process, please feel free to call to set up your free consultation today. You can also email your questions to: info@strategicrecruiting.net