How does technology affect HR? Glad you asked
The Society of Human Resource Management or SHRM is a great resource for all the HR gurus out there. It is also a good resource for anyone who uses HR. You shouldn’t use something you don’t understand, which is the same for technology.
Trends right now
SHRM predicted 9 tech trends for 2017. The first one is “performance management revolution.” According to John Bersin, author of the article, companies are popping up all over online. These companies partner with HR companies to share performance data. Number two is the “explosion in real-time engagement evaluation.” These online database systems are used for feedback and they are climbing in popularity and are becoming useful for HR companies. Bersin claims “feedback-based tools and systems will become a major theme in HR platforms in the coming years.” We have that to look forward to.
Bersin goes on to explain many other tech advances to improve HR within the year. It’s hard to imagine a time without technology because it takes up so much of our daily lives. It will not only affect HR in the future, but in every career.
Trends for the future
Technology is not only used to make advances, it can be used to motivate employees to do their work. Matt Straz, of Entrepreneur touches on why tech is great. Right out of the gate Straz hits on the increase in collaboration and sharing. Cloud based programs increase sharing between coworkers. This is great because it gives teams an idea of where the team members are at in their projects. It can also help creative flow by giving people a platform to share ideas.
Online facilitation gives employers the opportunities to multitask. SRS uses online video conferences like, to work with our clients and partners from long distances. It allows all participants to communicate with an entire group of people while being able to read emails and
Straz touches on several of the same things Bersin mentions, such as immediate feedback systems and databases to review employee performance. These systems are relatively new in HR, but have been used in other career paths and have proven helpful.
The best thing that you can do for yourself in the age of technology is stay up with the times. It’s easier said than done because it seems like every week a new iPhone comes out, but it’s important to stay up to date with the tech trends because knowledge can only help in this case.