Fostering a Thriving Workplace

In the dynamic realm of modern business, the pivotal role of effective talent management cannot be emphasized enough. Engaging and retaining top talent is not merely a matter of goodwill; it directly impacts the bottom line, with highly engaged teams showing a 21% greater profitability. Today, we delve into two pivotal strategies that can help…

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Mastering the Modern Hiring Process: The Dual Pillars of Success

In today’s competitive job market, hiring has evolved into a comprehensive journey, spanning from the initial need for a new hire to their successful onboarding over a 90-day period. This process typically takes around six months and requires a significant investment of time and resources. To ensure that this investment pays off, it’s essential to…

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Elevating the Employee Experience

In the ever-changing realm of modern workplaces, the dynamics of employee engagement have undergone a significant transformation. Beyond mere administrative functions, professionals responsible for shaping the employee experience now play a pivotal role in organizational architecture. This recognition stems from the understanding that a positive employee experience is instrumental in driving organizational success. Studies reveal…

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Becoming an Employer of Choice

In the dynamic landscape of today’s workforce, the departure of the baby boomer generation has left a noticeable gap in the pool of potential candidates. To ensure sustained success, the key lies in transforming your organization into an employer of choice. Here, we’ll explore two essential tips to attract top-notch candidates by establishing your brand…

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Investing in Your Future

As businesses face the uncertainties of 2024, it’s more important than ever to strategically plan for the future. A key aspect of this planning involves focusing on your sales and marketing efforts. Contrary to the instinct to cut back on these areas during uncertain times, these are precisely where your investments should be concentrated. To…

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5 Tips for Successful Onboarding

What does your onboarding process look like? Is it paperwork and a gift basket on day one and then training day two? Only 12% of employees believe that their employer does a good job at onboarding. For years, businesses have been calling a person’s first day on the job their onboarding. However, turnover can be…

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How has Recruiting Changed?

Last year, one of the biggest issues in hiring talent, was the fact that most people were gainfully employed, but businesses were trying to expand. A small talent pool means that there is a lot of leg work in locating candidates. Today the script has flipped. With Michigan’s unemployment being almost 15%, the work comes…

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Branding and Hiring

If you asked a stranger about what they thought about your brand, what do you think they would say? Are they aware of your company? Do they see your vision? Branding is a huge part of how the community and competitors see your business. It is also imperative for attracting candidates. If your small business…

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When the Growing gets Tough

company growth

Periods of growth are often thought of as a positive change for a company. However, growth can cause some internal issues within a small company. Adding one person to a group of 500 may not make as much of a difference as adding one to a 20-person company. Here’s how to make sure growth periods…

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5 Reasons Why You NEED Team Bonding

The dreaded “B” word in the office. Bonding. Why do we even need team bonding anyway? Well, I’ll tell you why. 1. You don’t know your employees from Adam If you own a midsize to large company, it may be hard to get to know all of your employees personally. Use people you have hired…

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