Who is Strategic Recruiting Services?

Strategic Recruiting Services is all about helping you find, hire, and keep talent. But what makes our model different from other models? There are a ton of different models out there, so here is what ours looks like:


We operate as an outsourced recruiting firm that becomes an offshoot of your company when you hire us. We act as a neutral part of your team to find the best long-term hire for your open positions


To find a long-term hire, we begin our search fresh with every position. Unlike staffing companies or headhunters, SRS does not use a catalogue of potential candidates to fill a position. Our model is to get to know the company culture, find your needs and wants, and to start from ground zero to ensure we are casting the widest possible net for potential candidates.


Our process is fine tuned to each customer. Whether during the search process you require background checks, personality testing, or drug analysis, because we are a part of your company during the hiring process, we cater to your company standards.


The interview process is a series of two interviews for candidates who pass through the resume stage. A phone and in person interview. Recruiters do extra rounds of interviews because the candidates are not pre screened by a database that a staffing company might use.

Human Resources

Outside of the recruiting process, we also offer HR services. This is a separate service that we tailor to your company’s needs. We can assist in handbook compliance, setting up a basic HR structure, or act as HR for your company.

The Bottom Line

Our model fits small to midsize companies that may not be able to afford to employ a full-time recruiter or HR manager but need to make some hires. Staffing companies are a great resource for contractual work and can work in tandem with a recruiting company to employ a stand-in until a real hire is made. We want to find you a long-term candidate in a practical fashion.