How to Hire Virtually and Successfully

By the end of 2021, we expect almost a third of the workforce to be working mostly from home. We have been seeing the shifts to digital for the last six months. We have also been seeing the internal struggles small businesses have been facing during the transition. Hiring virtually requires a different mindset, different…

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The Importance of Mental Health Care at Work

It’s not always an easy conversation to have. In a time where everyone is experiencing a form of unrest, it’s an important conversation. In a normal year without a global pandemic, civil unrest, and an election, 20% of adults will experience poor mental health. What you need to know is how to support your employees,…

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Transitioning Back to Reality

To show a person going back to work

With Michigan slowly reopening, it’s time to design your plan to transition to “back to work.” Things will not return to normal, maybe not ever. It’s a great opportunity to see what you can change for you, your employees, and your customers. Quarterly Plan Plan for disruptions for the next year. Set specific goals for…

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Battling Employee Turnover

It can cost you a third of an employee’s salary to replace them if they leave. That’s a lot of dough, but we are really here to discuss turnover and how to prevent it. Fortunately, a lot of the ways employees report on what they need out of a company to stay are common sense.…

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How to Improve Employee Engagement

Keeping employees engaged today is one of the hardest tasks you as an employer will face. Employees are feeling less connected to organizations than ever before. In 2018, only 15% of employees across the globe said they were engaged at work. It’s important to understand the severity of that 15%. Low engagement rates lead to:…

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5 Reasons Why You NEED Team Bonding

The dreaded “B” word in the office. Bonding. Why do we even need team bonding anyway? Well, I’ll tell you why. 1. You don’t know your employees from Adam If you own a midsize to large company, it may be hard to get to know all of your employees personally. Use people you have hired…

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Introverts vs Extroverts

There are more than two types of people in the workplace, but if we are going to overgeneralize: Let’s focus on the introverts vs the extroverts. Sometimes it’s hard to communicate with people who don’t communicate the same way. We all have social meters. Introverts like their meters to stay low and tend to get…

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How to Deal with Mistakes in the Office

There are two sides to every job. The good and the bad. It feels good when you are promoting, awarding, or congratulating employees for a job well done. Unfortunately, there will be a time when you have to have “the talk” with one. It’s important to know how to handle mistakes that employees make. It’s…

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What is so hard about Communication?

You’ve Heard it before: Communication is key. Communication is like the oil in a machine. Without it, the machine will never work, and if it gets mucked up the machine won’t work as well as you want. But why is something that we do every day sometimes so difficult? Well, here are some reasons why…

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Let’s Review

Performance waxes and wanes throughout the year, it’s inevitable. As an executive, low performance is one of the worst things you can hear. But how on earth do you combat it? Sometimes it’s more complicated than a lazy manager or understaffing. Sometimes it’s something in the company itself. It can go back to company culture…

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