Revamping Your Recruitment Process

Recruiting top talent is the lifeblood of any organization. Yet, despite recognizing its critical importance, many companies find themselves grappling with an outdated and ineffective recruitment process. If you’re among those who frequently express frustration about talent acquisition, it might be time to consider some new strategies. Let’s delve deeper into two crucial aspects to…

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Elevating the Employee Experience

In the ever-changing realm of modern workplaces, the dynamics of employee engagement have undergone a significant transformation. Beyond mere administrative functions, professionals responsible for shaping the employee experience now play a pivotal role in organizational architecture. This recognition stems from the understanding that a positive employee experience is instrumental in driving organizational success. Studies reveal…

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Becoming an Employer of Choice

In the dynamic landscape of today’s workforce, the departure of the baby boomer generation has left a noticeable gap in the pool of potential candidates. To ensure sustained success, the key lies in transforming your organization into an employer of choice. Here, we’ll explore two essential tips to attract top-notch candidates by establishing your brand…

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Revolutionizing Recruitment

In the ever-evolving world of talent acquisition, one size does not fit all. At SRS, we understand that each company has its unique hiring challenges and budgetary constraints. That’s why we’ve moved away from the one-dimensional approach of traditional recruiting, offering a diverse range of recruitment services tailored to meet your specific needs. Monthly Budgeting…

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Viewing Data as Your Friend

Data pertaining to the workforce teaches employers where their focus needs to be. It helps them keep up on what is and is not working throughout their company. By actively seeking the newest data, digesting it, then applying it, employers can keep their company relevant and attractive to jobseekers. You’ll quickly start viewing data less…

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Employers vs. Employees: Managing the Divide

I don’t think it’s news to anyone that we currently live in a society that seems to be extremely divided. Well – that definitely transfers into the workplace. As recruiters, we’re currently seeing a divide between employers and candidates. And much like everything else in life, the answer lies somewhere in the middle.  So, what…

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Hiring Trends you NEED to Know

DID YOU KNOW: The talent pool is shrinking. Why? Confidence in the growing economy has led to major hiring spikes. Now those qualified and happy employees are off the market. This is especially true for the skilled trades. Over the past several years, employers have been taking advantage of the economic boom by expanding their…

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Why you NEED Interns

As some of you may know, I started my career at SRS as an intern. I will be the first one to advocate for interns in the office. Here are some of the reasons why you should too: Interns are the future. If a company wants to survive through the generations, you have to hire…

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When You Don’t Feel like Performing well at Work

We all get into ruts sometimes. Whether it be from lack of sleep, motivation, inspiration. It’s important to not ignore the signs your brain is giving to you that something is off. Here’s some stuff you can do to get back on track For When You Don’t Care We’ve all hit that proverbial wall. Sometimes…

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Introverts vs Extroverts

There are more than two types of people in the workplace, but if we are going to overgeneralize: Let’s focus on the introverts vs the extroverts. Sometimes it’s hard to communicate with people who don’t communicate the same way. We all have social meters. Introverts like their meters to stay low and tend to get…

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