When the Growing gets Tough

company growth

Periods of growth are often thought of as a positive change for a company. However, growth can cause some internal issues within a small company. Adding one person to a group of 500 may not make as much of a difference as adding one to a 20-person company. Here’s how to make sure growth periods…

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Listen up: Hiring Tidbits from Professionals

  Transcript: So, let’s look at some of the statistics around finding, hiring, and keeping employees. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics tells us that across the nation we have a 4% unemployment rate. Here in Oakland County we are at a 3.2% unemployment rate, which basically tells you that we are gainfully employed. People…

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The Internet Saves Recruiting

Now that we have your attention, let’s talk about the dangers of depending on the internet and technology to do your hiring for you and how to find that healthy mix. Algorithms You can set up your wants, needs, and requirements for your perfect candidate, but technology cannot determine personality. You can get a sense…

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Check your Socials

Social media is a great place to connect to old friends, share pictures of your life, and keep involved in your community. However, as a business owner, we’re sure you’ve used social media to vet potential employees. But did you know that social media can be used against you as well? Past employees All you…

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Introverts vs Extroverts

There are more than two types of people in the workplace, but if we are going to overgeneralize: Let’s focus on the introverts vs the extroverts. Sometimes it’s hard to communicate with people who don’t communicate the same way. We all have social meters. Introverts like their meters to stay low and tend to get…

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What is so hard about Communication?

You’ve Heard it before: Communication is key. Communication is like the oil in a machine. Without it, the machine will never work, and if it gets mucked up the machine won’t work as well as you want. But why is something that we do every day sometimes so difficult? Well, here are some reasons why…

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I Hate Team Bonding

As someone who has done team bonding and hated team bonding, it’s easy to think of a couple reasons why people don’t like it. Here’s Why: It’s Mandatory: Anything that becomes mandatory, automatically becomes less attractive. No one wants to do anything because they have to, but if it’s a choice, people don’t seem to…

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Let’s Talk: Personality

Personalities can make or break a work room. Now, if you’re a CEO or President, you might not even be present in the workroom on a daily basis. That doesn’t mean that it’s not important to test your employees. Results for personality testing can change from year to year, so why even bother spending time…

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How to Make your Company Feel Like Home on the First Day

-Before your new employee arrives, set up an area for them This could include anything from just offering office supplies to an entire office. Whatever was promised to the employee, make sure they have it. Do not let a new employee walk into the office on the first day already breaking promises. -Make sure that…

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Policy is Policy

  Have you ever had a job with vague policies that leave you with more questions than they answer? I’m sure we have all been there at some point. Who do these policies hurt? The people who are enforcing them. If they are unclear, the employees have multiple ways of interpreting the policies. This can could…

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